Best Practice

The project of the European Territorial Quality Mark


The Territorial Quality Mark was originally a dream, which in the course of time has already been transformed into a rural development strategy with a territorial approach, launched jointly by several territories of the European Union.


Rural Quality is the common European brand of rural territories that already have their own territorial brand and identity, and their work is based on social and environmental values of their products and services.

The companies and entities that make up this label work cooperate and participate in a way to make rural development fair, with solidarity and environmentally sustainable. It is about a new concept of quality, which joint 23 territories in Spain, France, Italy and Greece, which was formalized in September 2007 with the creation of the European Territorial Quality Mark, owner of Rural Quality brand. Rural Quality is a “brand of brands” of territories that share social responsibility.

The condition to form part of the Rural Quality brand is that the company complies with high quality control parameters that ensure social and environmental commitment. These parameters are grouped into three categories: economic quality, social quality and environmental quality.

The most important activities are the promotion and joint and customized communication, the presence of the common label in international tourism, agro-food and handcraft fairs, as well as sector working meetings of the associated companies for the standarization of criteria for quality and training for marketing.


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Co-financed from the European Social Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic Spolufinancováno z Evropského sociálního fondu a státního rozpočtu ČR